Gridwise: The Best Mileage Tracking App for Doordash


DoorDash’s market share in food delivery is 78.6%, according to the Annual Gig Mobility Report from Gridwise Analytics. This statistic alone has compelled many food delivery drivers to conclude that DoorDash is the gig platform of choice for earning money. But what is best mileage tracking app for DoorDash? Why is this important for earnings?

DoorDash drivers have also found that they can increase their DoorDash profits by legitimately paying less in taxes. They accomplish this by maintaining an accurate record of the miles they cover as a food delivery driver. DoorDash drivers looking for these tax deductions find that the best mileage tracking app for DoorDash is Gridwise. Gridwise mileage reports not only save drivers from paying unnecessary taxes, but they are also handy should they ever get audited by the IRS. 

Read on and learn all about the Gridwise mileage tracker and what the best mileage tracking app for DoorDash is. The first thing you should do, though, is download it.

Here's what we cover:

Should DoorDash drivers track mileage? 

There is anecdotal evidence from a Reddit thread that it’s not uncommon for full-time DoorDash drivers to put as much as 200 job-related miles on their car per shift, equalling 1,000 miles a week and 50,000 a year. According to a recent release by the IRS, the standard business mileage deduction has been increased to 67 cents a mile. That allows a DoorDash driver to subtract $33,500 from their taxable income, placing them in a considerably lower tax bracket. 

For example, a DoorDash driver who earned $45,000 in 2023 (when the standard mileage deduction was 65.5 cents) would have a tax deduction on mileage alone of $32,750 based on 50,000 miles. That leaves a taxable income of $12,250. The federal tax on that is $1,223. This does not include any additional deduction you might get from expenses besides the standard mileage deduction (e.g., extra thermal bags, flashlight, etc.). 

As you can see, accurately tracking your mileage can only work to your advantage, and the best mileage tracking app for DoorDash drivers is Gridwise. 

Why do I need a mileage tracker when the gig platforms give me my mileage?

One of the first questions in any DoorDash driver discussion is whether to look for the best app for tracking mileage. For many gig platforms, the year-end earnings statement lists the miles you covered while picking up and delivering food orders. 

However, this statement is not completely accurate. The miles you drive before your first order, the miles covered between orders, and the miles driving home at the end of your shift are all tax deductible. 

It’s a hassle to keep a written log of your mileage. You forget to record your starting mileage or your ending mileage at the conclusion of your shift. Pretty soon, you resort to guesstimating and then completely neglecting the log. At tax time, you rely on the figure you get from your earnings statement, or you make it up and hope you don’t get audited by the IRS. 

Gridwise also provides easy-to-print mileage reports. Should your tax return get audited, the agent will appreciate straightforward reports from your Gridwise mileage tracker. Instead of an adversarial relationship with the agent, your session may end up more with information sharing. They will be thankful you have such well-organized and accurate records to present. 

What app do DoorDash drivers use? To get an accurate mileage record, rely on Gridwise, the best mileage tracking app. 

Gridwise: The best mileage tracking app for DoorDash

When it comes to tracking miles on the DoorDash platform, you unsurpirisinglt can’t go wrong with Gridwise. Veteran gig-platform drivers, the creators of Gridwise, realized that drivers must record every mile of their gig driving business. Gridwise can help you save hundreds, even thousands of dollars in taxes.

Must-have features in an app for tracking DoorDash mileage 

Why is Gridwise the best mileage tracking app for DoorDash? Simply put, the Gridwise developers have done their homework. 

Features of the Gridwise mileage tracker include

  • Accuracy. The Gridwise mileage tracker synchronizes with the GPS on your cell phone, accurately tracking every mile you drive when the app is on. 
  • Independence. The Gridwise mileage tracker operates in the background of your phone. You don’t have to think about it. 
  • Convenience. The Gridwise mileage tracker has a setting that senses when you begin to drive and sends a message through your phone asking if you want to turn on the mileage tracker. No more lost miles because you forgot to record your starting mileage. If you forget to turn off the Gridwise mileage tracker at the end of your shift, the Gridwise mileage tracker senses you’re no longer driving and asks if you want to turn off the app.  
  • Reporting. You can download the mileage record from the Gridwise mileage tracker into a Microsoft Excel file for easy manipulation. Drop in a formula, and you have weekly, monthly, and annual mileage counts in minutes, making tax time a breeze. 
  • Expenses. The Gridwise mileage tracker lets you take photos of expense receipts and add a brief description. The next time you purchase a wagon for large orders or something else to make dashing easier, you’ll have a record of the expense for tax time. 
  • Ease of mind. With Gridwise, you know you have a solid record of the miles you traveled. In the event of an IRS audit, it’s solid proof.

The idea of an IRS audit alone should be enough to compel you to start using Gridwise. Gig drivers are the newest classification of businesses for IRS auditing. Auditors jump at the chance to dive into something new and different, eager to figure out how existing IRS regulations apply.

Don’t be the IRS guinea pig. Download the Gridwise mileage tracker today

Gridwise offers more benefits to DoorDash drivers

You will get even more with the Gridwise mileage tracker. The Gridwise app includes features to boost your earnings potential as a DoorDash driver and for working on other gig platforms, too. 

  • Earning trends: If you multi-app (a strategy many successful drivers use), Gridwise allows you to link all your gig platforms. You can view them on a single screen on your cell phone and see trends and patterns that earn you more.  
  • When to drive: Every platform has its peak hours. The When to Drive tab on the Gridwise app tracks the most profitable times for you to drive any platform. 
  • Where to drive: Every neighborhood has specific rideshare and food delivery needs. Gridwise tracks geographical demand for you. Check out the Gridwise Where to Drive tab to earn the maximum dollars. 

DoorDash drivers can save miles and gas when they pay attention to the Gridwise Where to Drive and When to Drive tabs. 

  • Events. You’ll find the most current information for your region on the Gridwise app. Learn about sporting events, concerts, trade shows, exhibitions, and other happenings that generate rides. 
  • Messaging. Is a baseball game running into extra innings? Has a football or soccer game gone into overtime? New developments bring a constant wave of opportunities for gig drivers. The Gridwise messaging function lets you know about real-time changes. 
  • Weather info. Inclement weather is enough to make some drivers stay in, but consumers don’t want to venture out, either. They would rather order in. With Gridwise, you’ll know when to turn these times to your advantage. 
  • Traffic alerts. For DoorDash drivers, traffic is always an issue. Folks want their food promptly, and they want it at the appropriate temperature. Rely on Gridwise traffic alerts to inform you of delays and route changes. 

Making a switch to rideshare later in the evening? The Gridwise app can solve the mystery of airport arrivals. 

  • Airport status. Time to switch to rideshare? With Gridwise the airports are no longer a mystery. The Gridwise app displays arrival times and other vital information to help you maximize your time. 
  • Information. Gridwise has a blog that includes the latest news on strategies and other opportunities for gig drivers. Learn about new legislation, car rental opportunities, benefits, and other information vital to your gig. 
  • Contribute to the gig community. Gridwise anonymizes and aggregates the data collected by the Gridwise app. This allows Gridwise to provide analytics on earnings and trends that make you a better driver. 

Gridwise: The best tool for DoorDash drivers 

Veteran drivers founded Gridwise and their commitment has always been to making gig drivers more successful. They are always looking for new ways to give drivers the most pertinent, helpful, and accurate information. 

Gridwise Plus

Earn more and keep more. Try free for 14 days.

Plus members earn 30% more on average within their first month.

Check out these Gridwise pages to learn more about the Gridwise mileage tracker:


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