
  • Temporary
  • Dallas, TX
  • Varies USD / Hour
  • Applications have closed

Website Nickelytics

Get paid to show off your car.

Nickelytics lets drivers make up to $175 more per month by simply driving as they normally do while showcasing top brands on their vehicle.

Do you qualify to drive?

  • Do you have a car that is a 2014 or newer?
  • Do you drive at least 30 miles a day or 600 miles per month?
  • Is your primary route within 30 miles radius of the city?
  • Can you have your vehicle wrapped within 2 weeks?
  • Do you have a valid Driver’s License and a clean driving record?

Sign Up

Sign up for to drive with Nickelytics using the form below. Its Easy!!

Confirm your Interest

We’ll email and text you after you sign up. We’ll then ask you a few questions to confirm your interest and eligibility.

Get the Wrap and Start earning!

Our team of pro car wrappers will install your wrap, or you can do it yourself. Then drive as you normally do to start earning!