DoorDash Drivers: Avoid a “Saucey” New DoorDash Scam 


A DoorDash driver recently alerted the community about a DoorDash scam. The suspicious order involved a single packet of avocado salsa from Taco Bell. This immediately raised red flags for the driver. While this may seem harmless, it was part of a growing fake DoorDash delivery scam targeting gig workers​.

Here's what we cover:

How the scam works

​​It’s an unfortunate scam that preys on workers who are often already striving to make ends meet. To make matters worse, it can lock Dashers out of their accounts. This leaves them unable to work for hours or even days, resulting in lost income.

  1. Unusual order size: Scammers place an order for something insignificant, like a single sauce packet. This fake DoorDash order is often a vital indicator of a potential scam.
  2. Driver accepts the order: Many drivers will accept it without questioning it.
  3. Fake support call: While en route, the driver receives a call from someone claiming to be DoorDash support. This is a common tactic in DoorDash scam calls.
  4. Security warning: The caller claims a security issue or the driver’s account has been flagged. This is a critical step in any DoorDash fraud.
  5. Request for verification: The scammer asks for a DoorDash verification code sent to the driver’s phone to verify their identity.
  6. Account takeover: Once the driver shares the code, the scammer can gain access to their account. Potentially stealing sensitive information or earnings​.

Why this scam works

  • Plausibility: The call feels real because drivers are often alert for potential security risks. These DoorDash scam calls play on the driver’s need to act quickly.
  • Distraction: Drivers usually multitask while delivering and might need help fully seeing the warning signs.
  • Order ambiguity: The system doesn’t always clarify that the order is for a trivial item like a sauce packet. This confusion aids the DoorDash scam​.

How to spot a scam early

  • Unusual order size: Orders with tiny items like a single sauce packet or orders that don’t make sense (e.g., a beverage with no food).
  • Sudden contact from “support”: Real DoorDash support usually contacts drivers through official app notifications. If drivers get calls outside the app, they should be suspicious of DoorDash scam calls.
  • Urgent requests for personal information: Scammers often create a sense of urgency, asking for quick action. In this case asking you for a verification code. DoorDash will never ask for personal info over a call​.

Steps to take if you think you’re being scammed

  1. Hang up immediately: If you suspect you are talking to a scammer, hang up and call DoorDash support directly through the app.
  2. Report the incident: Use the official app to report any suspicious activity or possible DoorDash fraud.
  3. Change your password: If you’ve shared your DoorDash verification code or any other account info, immediately change your password and enable two-factor authentication for added security​.

Best practices for protecting your DoorDash account

  • Enable two-factor authentication: This extra security layer ensures that even if scammers obtain your login credentials, they can’t access your account without the second verification step.
  • Keep your phone secure: Use strong passwords or biometric authentication (fingerprint, face recognition) to lock your phone. This protects any incoming DoorDash verification codes from being accessed by anyone but you.
  • Monitor account activity: Regularly check your account for any unusual login attempts or changes to settings. Promptly report any suspicious activity related to DoorDash fraud​.

DoorDash’s official guidance on avoiding scams

DoorDash provides clear guidelines to help drivers avoid falling victim to scams:

  • DoorDash never asks for codes via phone: Always remember that DoorDash will never ask you to provide sensitive information, such as a DoorDash verification code, over a phone call.
  • Use official support channels: Always communicate with DoorDash support through the in-app help center or official channels. Do not trust support requests that come via phone calls or emails​. For more information, visit DoorDash’s official help page on scams.

Community advice on avoiding the scam

Delivery drivers on Reddit have shared their thoughts on how to avoid DoorDash scams:

  • Decline suspicious orders: If you receive a fake DoorDash order for a single sauce packet or another trivial item, it’s best to decline it to avoid a scam.
  • Report it: Instead of simply declining, some drivers suggest going to the restaurant, contacting DoorDash support from there, and requesting half-pay for a canceled order.
  • Legitimate small orders: Some small orders are legitimate, so double-check before declining an order. However, remain cautious of any DoorDash scam calls​.

Stories from other drivers

Many drivers have shared their experiences of either avoiding or falling victim to DoorDash scams:

  • Driver experiences: One driver received a suspicious call from someone claiming to be DoorDash support but hung up after realizing they were being asked for their DoorDash verification code. By reporting the incident immediately, they could secure their account and prevent unauthorized access.
  • Lessons learned: These stories emphasize the importance of being cautious, recognizing the warning signs of a fake DoorDash delivery, and never sharing personal information with anyone claiming to be support outside of the app.

What to do if your account is compromised

If your account has been compromised due to DoorDash fraud, here’s what to do:

  1. Contact support: Immediately report the issue to DoorDash’s official support team through the app.
  2. Change your password: Lock your account by changing your password and enabling two-factor authentication.
  3. Monitor earnings: Regularly check your earnings and ensure no unauthorized transactions have occurred. DoorDash may assist in recovering stolen earnings if the fraud is reported promptly​.

Work smart and stay safe

As a delivery driver, staying alert and cautious is critical to protecting your earnings and personal information. Scammers are becoming more sophisticated, but by recognizing the red flags—such as suspicious orders or unsolicited calls claiming to be support—you can avoid falling victim to their tactics. 

Always trust your instincts, verify any unusual requests through official channels, and never share personal information or verification codes with anyone. Protecting yourself from scams ensures you can focus on what matters most: making deliveries and maximizing your earnings safely. Stay vigilant, stay informed, and keep driving wise.

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