$1000 a Week With DoorDash In 2022

How To Make $1000 a Week With DoorDash


No, that’s not a hook for some scam. There are real, tangible ways for how to make more with DoorDash, and we want you to know about them. You’ll be able to see yourself making $1000 a week in no time.

Driving for DoorDash might not sound like the fastest or most glamorous way to pull down the kind of cash you’ve always wanted, but you can make it work. In this blog post, we’ll offer tips, tricks, and techniques you can use to keep a consistent, reliable income that you can actually live on! Here’s what we’ll show you.

How much does DoorDash pay in 2022?

Gridwise has a treasure trove of anonymized earning data, and we use it to give you insight into things like DoorDash driver hourly pay, DoorDash weekly pay, and the trends that are showing up in this year’s earnings picture.

How much does DoorDash pay an hour? Nationwide figures for average DoorDash gross hourly pay show that business has been solid throughout the first quarter. January’s figure was $15.61; February’s, $15.49; and the hourly earnings for March was $16.07.

How much does DoorDash pay drivers per delivery? What about tips and monthly income? Earnings per delivery averaged $7.90 over the first three months of 2022. Income from tips averaged about $4.10 per delivery, and monthly earnings showed a positive, upward trend from $220.18 in January to $221.26 in February, and then all the way up to $244.86 in March. You’ll find a more detailed “drill down” into these numbers in this Gridwise blog post.

From this summary, you can see that it could be a pretty big leap from those monthly gross income numbers to figuring out how to make $1000 a week with DoorDash. You can do it though, and with some insight, additional data from Gridwise, and other tips, it isn’t nearly as hard as you might imagine.

Let’s start by looking at the things you need to understand, and possibly change, to get beyond being “the average Dasher.”

Keys to hitting $1000 a week with DoorDash

First, you need to understand your market and the factors that drive it in this ever-changing economy. While the pandemic conditions of the last two years have worked wonders for the food delivery business, there is concern that the lifting of pandemic restrictions could put a sizable dent in it. 

It turns out the worries aren’t unwarranted. Food delivery revenue has dropped off sharply as of late. According to this post from NBC news, food delivery company stock prices have taken a plunge, too. Now that people can actually go to restaurants, grocery stores, and liquor stores, the need for delivery isn’t as desperate as it once was. Also, many customers have become fed up with paying additional fees for delivery, and tipping their drivers on top of that.

Now with the rise in gas prices, even more fees have been piled on for customers to cover. Inflation has also taken a big bite out of many consumers’ appetites for food delivery. Does all this mean you can’t make bank the way you used to? Not at all. The Gridwise figures already show that although they’re not skyrocketing like it’s 2020, DoorDash earnings are holding their own.

How can you keep up the trend and exceed current average gross earnings? You simply have to know and understand what’s going on in your market, and be more aware than ever about peak times and places to do your delivery driving.

This means you’ll need to construct a driving strategy that will help you optimize every mile you put on the road. Also, there’s no doubt about it: if you want to succeed at making $1000 a week with DoorDash, you’re going to have to hustle. The trick is to find ways to work smart rather than merely morphing into a delivery driver version of the Tasmanian Devil. 

DoorDash driving strategies to boost your driver pay

To work smart, you need intelligence. While being bright is part of it, the kind of intelligence we’re talking about here is information. With the right information, you can study your options and seize your opportunities. Here are a few things you’ll want to factor in when you formulate your driving strategy.

The right times

They say timing is everything, and that old cliché hasn’t been proven wrong yet. With delivery driving, it’s a matter of knowing the times when demand is great, but supply (namely you, the driver) is somewhat scarce. When you have good information about when the most profitable times are, you can easily start to see your earnings pile up to $1000 per week. Let’s look at an example.

Say you use Gridwise’s When to Drive feature and find that delivering food on Fridays earns you about $9.75 per delivery. Getting three trips per hour is not too much of a hustle during a busy time, and that number of trips will allow you to earn almost $30 per hour.

So then how much can you make on DoorDash in a day? If you drive an 8 hour shift at the estimated $30 per hour rate, you’ll earn around $240 for the day. How much can you make with DoorDash a week? Driving a long shift like that over the weekend is a jumpstart toward that $1000 weekly pay. And, if you continue to drive smart and hustle, you might be able to make the grand in a week with just five days of driving.

You might find, for instance, that weeknights are every bit as profitable as weekends. Then, you’ll want to slip your driving time into those slots. Or there might be a call for lunch or late night munchies in a neighborhood near you. The question is, even though you can try to figure out when the right times to drive might be, how can you know for sure? 

You can spend weeks or months trying to deliver at different times and come out with reasonable strategies after much trial and error, but guess what? You don’t have to! The smart way to adopt this strategy is to use the brilliant Gridwise feature known as When to Drive. You’ll see the most profitable times right there in your Gridwise app.

With When to Drive, it’s easy to tell when the big earnings are coming in. These earnings aren’t skewed to include big city rates, nor are they scaled to include small town numbers. Rather, they’re actual figures, from real drivers, in your area! There’s no guesswork here, and with this insightful tool, you can see when the delivery action is at a peak and choose the hours that will make you the most money possible.

In case you’re worried that delivering while everyone else is out there isn’t the best thing you can do, rest easy. Another smart strategy is to use Gridwise to zone in on those other times, such as the lunch hours and late night feedings we mentioned earlier, and drive when everyone else is at their day job or in bed.

Now that you’re clear on how to find the right times, here’s the next crucial factor to consider.

The right places

Where are the most deliveries coming from in your area? If you know this, you can skip draining dollars out of your fuel tank while you drive around trying your luck, or relying solely on the Dasher app. The Gridwise feature Where to Drive does the legwork for you. 

This indispensible feature adds insight you can use, in the form of a list of the neighborhoods in your area and the number of deliveries and earnings in each. You can even get a historical view from week to week to trace patterns that might form as seasons change and customer habits fluctuate. Knowing your neighborhoods is a must when it comes to developing a smart driving strategy, and Gridwise will give you all the intel you’ll ever need. 

Now all that’s left to do is put it all together.

The right schedule

Equipped with this information, you have what you need to set up your driving schedule. Will you work full time or part time? You’ll have to be attentive to how much you need to make in a given period of time, depending on the number of hours you want to drive. Then, using the Gridwise tools we showed you, put together your schedule and stick to it.

It’s important to remember that driving and delivering, while it can be somewhat fun, is your business. You have to treat it like a job. That means, if you want to take time off to hang with your friends or attend a special event, you need to make up the time and money by finding other fruitful time slots, using your tools—and your noodle. 

Once you set a schedule, do your very best to stick to it. Keep in mind that there will be days when business is slow, such as holidays when people cook more, or when many people are out of town on vacation. You need to account for this in your schedule, and make sure you don’t find yourself all ready to dash with nowhere near enough deliveries to make your $1000 per week.

While driving at the right time, being in the right places, and making the right schedule are the three most important ways to ensure your earning success, there are even more things you can do to keep your cash flow consistent and flush.

Simple driver tips that make a huge difference

With a smart driving strategy, the odds are already in your favor for pulling down $1000 a week driving for DoorDash. Still, there’s no reason to stop there. Here are some more things you can do to increase your income. While they’re not overly complicated, they can make a big difference. They surely take you beyond the basics of how to become a DoorDash driver.

  • Be selective about accepting orders. Did they send you a request for a cheap burger and fries and a 20-mile ride? Don’t accept it. Wait for a bigger bang for your buck to pop up on your screen. As long as you take enough orders to keep getting pings, it’s wise to let those smaller ones pass you by.
  • Work for bigger tips and higher ratings. Tips might not seem like much when they come in one by one, but they can really add up. Ratings can factor into the way the DoorDash algorithm allocates deliveries to you. Improve your chances of getting more tips and better ratings by providing the best service possible. Go out of your way to keep both the customers and the restaurants you work with aware of how hard you work to get your job done and make sure they get what they need. They’ll remember you at rating, and tipping, time.
  • Cash in on bonuses and referrals. DoorDash offers bonuses to incentivize you to deliver more, especially during the busiest times. They’ll often offer DoorDash peak pay. Don’t be bashful about picking up your pace to earn the bonuses, which are usually based on how many deliveries you make in a given time period. Invitations to participate in bonus offers will come through your Dasher app.
  • Be smart about your finances. Even something as small as the banking app you choose can make all the difference. Some banking apps are made specifically for rideshare and delivery drivers, like Moves, an all-in-one banking app built exclusively for gig workers. Moves members manage their money better and earn free stock while they do it!

This is also the way you’ll learn about making money through referrals. That’s right. You can make extra money simply by turning your friends on to life as a Dasher. You can make this your own little side hustle, if you have lots of acquaintances who are looking to cash in on the advantages of gig driving. Plus, with all these tips, you can show them how to make $1000 a week with DoorDash! When referral bonuses are available, a notice will come up on your screen. Click the “refer friends” banner and follow the instructions.

  • Follow basic principles for making more money with delivery driving. There are many things you can be doing to ensure you’re squeezing out every last bit of income possible from your DoorDash gig. Read this Gridwise post for more tips, tricks, and information.
  • Track your earnings and mileage for free, and max out your tax deductions. Making more money involves keeping good records, analyzing your progress, and minimizing your expenses, especially taxes. Sync your DoorDash app with Gridwise, and all your earnings and mileage will be recorded automatically. You can then create reports that display your earnings, so you can stay on track and make $1000 a week with DoorDash!

Don’t delay. If you haven’t yet, download the DoorDash app and get the best earnings and mileage tracker for DoorDash, all in one sweet app.

Download Gridwise for free now!


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8 Responses

  1. There are not 8 hours in a day, at least during the week, when you can make $30/hour. There might be 2 or 3 hours, 4 on a really good day, when that is possible, but there are definitely not 8. I already use Gridwise’ When & Where to drive features & compare that with what Doordash shows as good times to drive in different areas, & what I have found to be good times & places for the last 6 months. I’ve gotten selective with which orders I accept. I check out events in my areas. I keep holidays in mind. The most I’ve been able to make is a little over $700 on a couple of good weeks. Unfortunately, since we pay an average of $6/gallon for gas where I live, plus a lot of inflation across the board, a lot of what I earn goes to operational costs like gas & car maintenance. The more I make, the more I’m driving, the more I need to spend on gas, etc. Doordash has ended their gas supplement, in spite of the fact that gas is not only not decreasing in cost, it is still increasing. I have also noticed fewer peak pay opportunities, & the peak pay offered covers shorter time frames – an hour at a time, rather than 3 hours. And of course, they include that peak pay in calculating their differential pay here in CA, where a law was passed that requires drivers be paid at least minimum wage. Like Uber, Doordash also decreased base pay in order to cover the cost of paying us minimum wage. Do when & where features in Gridwise help? Sure. But they don’t get you to $1k/week.

  2. These stats are unrealistic in the long run and unsustainable because of the hourly fluctuation. Maybe $500-$700 for the week but not $1000. 8 hours driving actually becomes wasteful as there is a lot of down time and space between runs. There are never a consistent amount of orders back to back all day much less well paying runs. Furthermore the Door Dash app has become extremely unstable lately with frequent outages and glitches.

    1. Glad I’m not the only one who saw the issues with this post, & commented. What area do you work in, if you don’t mind sharing? I’m in Southern CA.

  3. You drive your car directly into a junkyard.
    That’s the only way you’ll make $1,000 a week with one of these delivery apps.

  4. I linked Dasher to Gridwise, but it’s not keeping track of my earnings and the miles it tracks are ~4x what I’m actually driving, so I have to enter them manually afterward. Also, where are people getting 3 orders per hour at $10 each? I’d like to see the author utilize these tips and provide receipts (;

  5. This dude with Grodwise is Bullsmellfunky. Just a ploy for you to download and eventually pay for a worthless app. I’m 5 star driver never used this app. Never need shat bull like what this guy is offering If you think you can make a grand a week. I have a mansion in Brazil I’d like to seel you for free. Get it don’t believe this guy’s fake how to doordash. None of it makes sense. He write paragraphs with nothing interesting. Just a bunch of inflated download the app and we will make you a millionaire with Doordash. This guy is a tool. The app is Gar bage

  6. I’ve been thinking about doing Door Dash as supplemental income. Is it worth it? I live in a small town, about 10,000 population. I wondered if I go to one of the more active towns, near me, around meal times, if that would give me more earning potential?. Can you for d or dash from anywhere?

  7. Obrigado por compartilhar. Estou preocupado por não ter ideias criativas. É o seu artigo que me deixa cheio de esperança. Obrigado. Mas, eu tenho uma pergunta, você pode me ajudar?