Rideshare YouTubers you Need to Watch Today

The Top 10 Rideshare YouTubers you Need to Watch Today


Sometimes, rideshare drivers just need to vent and someone to relate to.

After dealing with “interesting” passengers all day, it can be therapeutic to connect with someone going through the same experiences as you. Fortunately, rideshare drivers are a tech savvy bunch and dozens upon dozens of drivers have flocked to YouTube to create compelling content around their rideshare experiences.

So in today’s blog post we’re going to mix things up. Instead of talking about strategy and how much rideshare drivers make, we’re going to give a shout out to the top rideshare drivers on YouTube that are entertaining us every day.

This list is in no particular order and is not all inclusive, however, these are some of the most unique and entertaining driver channels we’ve had the pleasure of watching.

1. Ryan Is Driving

Arguably the most popular rideshare Youtube personality is our guy Ryan. He’s been making video’s for just over a year, and his most popular video “Woman Tries to Get a Free Ride” has over 10M views.

Not a bad audience for a rideshare driver.

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Ryan’s content is usually more conversational than this video. His content is great because of the real conversations that he has with his passengers. This channel’s not about strategy or education, you’re just here to witness a couple people in a car having a conversation, and somehow it just works.

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He’s also active on Twitter, so check him out and be sure to follow!

2. Marc Freccero

One of the original rideshare YouTubers and one of the most well known rideshare YouTubers is Marc Freccero. He does a ton of the more educational content on YouTube and his hit video “10 Things I Wish I Knew BEFORE Driving for Uber & Lyft” has over 850k views, so there is a good chance you’ve watched his content before.

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The interesting thing about Marc however is that he doesn’t just talk about the rideshare business, he talks about his entire life and really shows how drivers are a group of people that are generally using rideshare as a step to something more. That could be entrepreneurship, acting, being a DJ, or just being their for your family.

A lot of great content on his channel.

3. Drive Girl Drive

In my opinion, the most under-viewed rideshare Youtuber is Cecily and her Drive Girl Drive channel.

She brings a women’s perspective with great videos like “My Scariest Moment as a Woman Uber Driver”, which is content that we need, however, her most brilliant content comes when she is speaking directly to her viewers and giving them real advice.

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4. Terry Tips

I’ll be honest, as of 2 days ago I had never heard of Terry Tips and certainly had never watched one of his videos…

But after this video, he’s made a instant fan.

Don’t ask questions, just watch his rideshare commercial.

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5. Ollie B

Ollie B is pure entertainment. He’s really more of a rapper who sometimes dresses up like a nerd or grandpa, turns on the Uber app, and goes out and performs for a few passengers. The thing is he is actually a pretty good rapper and the passenger reactions are priceless.

He doesn’t put out a ton of videos, but what he does is gold.

Check out his grandpa rap below.

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6. Uber DC

Uber DC is a YouTuber out of, well, D.C., who is famous for his “Tip Jar Tuesday” videos where he counts his tips and talks about his week as a driver.

It is surprisingly awesome because while he is one of the nicest guys we’ve ever met (yes we’ve met!), he keeps it real and tells drivers exactly how it is.

He does a few really cool trivia videos where he plays trivia with his passengers, however, this is truly a rideshare YouTube channel for rideshare drivers.

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7. munchkym

One of the most informational drivers out there making content is munchkym, AKA Kym who is also very active on Twitter.

Kym is a smart driver. She is experienced and clearly does tons of research and is thoughtful about what she says in her videos. Her ability to be real, while speaking intelligently on subjects makes for some interesting Q&A videos like the one below.

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8. Baltimore Rides

One of my all-time favorite YouTubers right now is Mike who makes the Baltimore Rides channel. He started out as a fresh driver and was offering interesting tips and takes on becoming a rideshare driver. However, the video series has evolved into really a window into his life. He talks candidly about his home life, his career, and his interactions with passengers.

Not the most popular channel, but great content that goes deeper than just rideshare.

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9. The Passive Driver

Will from The Passive Driver has been a YouTuber for about 10 months now and has already released some great informational videos and is tackling a few interesting questions that not a ton of people in the rideshare business have thought to ask and answer. Will is definitely a thinker and likes to experiment with different tactics and strategies, so if you are looking to drive more strategically, he’s your guy.

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10. Shaq

Because Shaq (and Lyft’s own YouTube channel) is the awesome.

YouTube video

Is there anyone on this list that we missed? Did we miss you? Share with us who your favorite rideshare YouTubers are in the comments below so we can enjoy the great content!


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