How Much Do Lyft Drivers Make?


Lyft driver pay is the #1 issue for every Lyft driver. So, how much do Lyft drivers make? The answers you get vary among drivers, and Lyft will give you figures that may be more or less than what real drivers are earning in your area.

If you want to know the hourly rate for Lyft drivers and how Lyft driver salary measures up to your expectations of gig economy income, keep reading. Gridwise has reliable data provided by actual drivers, and you’ll find helpful tips about making more money with Lyft.

Here's what we cover:

Lyft: The basics

Lyft driver requirements are about the same as those of any rideshare platform. However, they do vary from city to city, so be sure to check the specifics for your location before applying. Some extra requirements, such as Taxi and Limousine Commission licenses and additional insurance, could make becoming a Lyft driver slightly more challenging.

Customer service for Lyft drivers is among the many ways Lyft stands out. The Lyft website includes extensive support that covers just about all the issues drivers encounter. A comprehensive learning center is accessible through the Lyft app.

Lyft does its best to compensate drivers fairly. The company has committed to a policy that guarantees the driver’s share of a rider’s payment is 70% or more. Lyft drivers can be paid every Tuesday or instantly if they sign up for programs that allow instant access to their earnings.

Total Lyft driver earnings consist of base pay, tips, and earnings-based offers, which entail extra payment for meeting earnings goals. There is a long list of other driver incentives, Lyft driver perks are awarded to drivers with outstanding ratings, while others are given to drivers within high-demand times and zones. Lyft bonuses can also come in the form of guaranteed earnings programs and referrals for new drivers. 

Lyft is a strong company that has a presence in a wide array of cities across the United States and Canada. Lyft has held its own as a leader in the rideshare market, and its reputation among riders is overwhelmingly favorable. If you choose to drive for Lyft, you are likely to be very busy taking riders to their destinations.

Now that you know some of the basics of getting started with Lyft, let’s use Gridwise data to see how much you can earn. 

How much do Lyft drivers make per ride?

Earnings for Lyft rides are based on the time and distance involved. These elements, along with tip amounts, will vary based on geographical location and factors such as demand and traffic patterns. Gridwise data shows the national average of what Lyft drivers earn per ride.

How much do Lyft drivers make per hour?

The nationwide hourly rates for Lyft drivers shown here are based on average earnings per hour before expenses. Drivers can boost hourly earnings by working during peak hours and scoring big tips when they provide superior service to their passengers.

How much do Lyft drivers make per day?

It’s important to remember that a “day” can consist of varying hours, depending on driver patterns. Location will also contribute to differences in daily earnings and accessibility to demand-oriented driver bonuses. It pays to know the best places and times to drive.

How much do Lyft drivers earn before tips?

Examining Lyft driver earnings before tips helps us see how much they typically contribute to total earnings. Tips can add 10%–20% to a driver’s income. Drivers need to work hard to earn the approval of their customers and encourage them to leave big tips, which can compensate for downturns in base pay and earnings.

How do Lyft earnings measure up overall?

Size up Lyft overall earnings and see for yourself how they measure up to your expectations. It’s hard to precisely answer questions such as “How much do Lyft drivers make a week?” and “How much do Lyft drivers make per mile?” because of the way drivers’ habits, locations, and situations vary. 

For example, a “week” might represent any number of days for a driver, and earnings “per mile” can vary. 

PeriodAverage gross daily earningsAverage gross daily earnings before tipsAverage gross daily tipsGross Earnings Per Work Hour (Average)Bonus + Tips Earnings (Average)Gross Earnings (Average)Bonus + Tips Earnings (Weekly Average)Gross Earnings (Weekly Average)

What makes one Lyft driver more successful than another? Dedication, customer service, and consistency are factors that determine what any driver can achieve. The Lyft app algorithm allocates most high-value rides to drivers with high ratings. Gratuities will go to extra courteous and super-efficient drivers when they serve Lyft customers. Here are some tips for Lyft drivers to increase your chances of making the most money possible.

How to maximize Lyft earnings

Start with increasing your efficiency 

  1. Get to know your area. Be aware of construction zones, avoid bottleneck areas, and stay on top of the daily flow with traffic alerts. 
  2. Select your driving times so you are in a good position to get the most business.
  3. Get savvy about event arrival and let-out times.
  4. Organize your driving routine and ensure your car is passenger-ready for each shift.

Add extras to encourage tips

  1. Cleanliness matters! Keep your car clean, inside and out. Take breaks and check the back seat for papers and other debris customers may have left behind.
  2. Be friendly but not too familiar. Assess your passengers’ desire to engage with you, and follow their lead every time. 
  3. Let customers have things their way while they’re in your vehicle. Ensure that they are warm or cool enough and that the music fits their liking. You can even take requests.
  4. Aim to take your most efficient route, but if the customer has suggestions, consider taking them. They probably know more about their immediate environs than you do.
  5. Amenities, from tissues, small snacks, and water to an entertainment and gaming console, can make you a passenger favorite!
  6. Accommodate special requests. Help carry baggage and packages; cater to walkers, wheelchairs, and strollers; and when you can, say yes to customers riding with pets.

Be in the right places at the right times.

  1. Rideshare driving offers flexible hours, but if you want to maximize earnings, you need to schedule your driving time to coincide with peak demand periods so you can make the most of every shift. 
  2. Location is everything. Know where the action is during the times of day you choose to drive, and travel there to ensure that you will have plenty of passengers.

Your strategic advantage: Gridwise!

Lyft drivers everywhere know that using Gridwise is essential to putting together successful driving strategies. Here are just some of the ways you can benefit from using Gridwise

  1. Identify the most profitable services. Compare all the services you can use and see which ones are performing the best in your area.
  2. Track your expenses as they occur. Gridwise automatically tracks mileage, and you can add other expenses you accrue, from fuel and car cleaning to snacks and water from passengers right in the app.
  3. Track earnings across multiple gig platforms, so you can see the full picture of your total income.
  4. Make tax time easier by organizing earnings and expenses for all your gigs in one convenient and helpful app.
  5. Get real-time information and alerts about local events and weather conditions.
  6. Know where and when the best places to drive are.
  7. Enjoy exclusive perks, including access to benefits, discounts, and deals that make your life as a Lyft driver easier and even more profitable!

The Gridwise community of drivers benefits from all these things and more. Isn’t it about time you joined us?

Ready to take your gig work to the next level?

Download Gridwise, the app that helps you track your expenses and maximize your earnings

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