5 Common Insurance Mistakes Rideshare and Delivery Drivers Make


Think talking about insurance is boring? Well, it might be but it’s also a critical part of your success as a driver. It could even wind up affecting your financial survival. Unless you’re in a unique situation, as a gig driver you’re an independent contractor. There is no such thing as rideshare driver health benefits or delivery driver sick pay.

Insurance isn’t as bright, shiny, or technologically appealing, but it’s every bit as important to your gig driving business as your car or phone. You also might want to avoid talking about insurance because it brings up pictures in your mind you’d rather not see. An accident, a protracted illness, and death are not scenarios we like to think about, but yet, we need to plan for them in the event that they occur. 

There really isn’t an option. Drivers have to deal with getting themselves covered. Some of us wish to avoid that fact so badly, we make huge missteps. In this post we’re going to shine a halogen lamp on those mistakes, so you won’t wind up suffering from them. Then, we’ll give you practical solutions to address all your delivery and rideshare insurance needs.

Here’s how we’ll line things up:

Insurance: Worth the peace of mind

Whether or not you’re convinced that insurance is a basic need you can’t do without, the rest of the world certainly is. Remember when you signed up to drive for your rideshare or delivery company? You had to prove that you had basic insurance for your vehicle. Without it, you wouldn’t even be allowed to take your first ride or order. In fact, if you don’t have basic vehicle insurance, you are in violation of state motor vehicle laws that require every vehicle to be insured.

You might think that basic policy, plus what you get from your company, is enough for you to get by, but that’s not the case. When you consider that all your basic auto policy covers is damage to your and other people’s vehicles that are involved in an accident, and some of the cost of injury or death, you’ll realize you’re not fully covered. In fact, you could start to feel as though you’re scantily clothed.

Let’s start with a look at your work life and then get personal about insurance concerns. What happens if you can’t work due to an injury or illness? Or how will you get treatment for an ailment that’s making it impossible for you to drive? Will your family still be able to afford groceries if you should have a fatal accident? Is your mortgage insured? Okay, so you rent your living space. How about your belongings—what will you be left with if they get stolen or damaged? 

Life happens, and when bad things in life occur, we need to be prepared for them. As we pose all these questions about what “the worst” might look like, it’s easy to see why people are put off talking about insurance. It can be pretty complicated, in addition to not being the most riveting topic we’ll ever discuss.

Due to how complex insurance, and life, are, it’s easy to make mistakes. You will want to avoid that for sure, so let’s look at 5 of them now.

The 5 big mistakes you can’t afford to make

Mistake #1: Assuming “It will never happen”

There’s one thing we haven’t mentioned yet. Insurance can be expensive. You already know how much money it takes to insure your vehicle. When you start getting into your own body, your eyes, your teeth, and your home, the total insurance bill can get blown sky-high very quickly. With all that in mind, you still have to calculate how much it would cost if you fail to get insurance.

Even those of us who are in perfect health have plenty of exposure. Let’s say you decide to go rock climbing with your buds, and you come down from the climb with a torn rotator cuff. Do you have any idea how much the fix for that can cost? The X-rays and doctors’ visits alone will be in the thousands. If they recommend surgery, you’d better hope you have quite a stash set aside, or that you hit the lottery. Five-digit hospital bills are a given, not a remote possibility.

There will be more than just physical pain, because you won’t be able to drive with an injury of that nature. In fact, recovery will most likely dictate that you avoid driving for several weeks after your surgery. You’ll find more details about health insurance coverage in this Gridwise blog post.

Going without insurance could wipe you out in no time at all. Be fiscally responsible and get the coverage you need, but find reasonably priced options that won’t stretch your budget.

Mistake #2: not comparing policies

Those insurance ads we see streaming all the time keep trying to make us laugh, and some of them really are pretty funny. Nonetheless, you don’t want to base your insurance purchase on which company has the most clever ad writers.

Instead, you need to do sound research into the policies you’re considering buying to see how much money you need to pay for a given amount of coverage. Shop around. Even if you use a broker, who’ll offer you what might seem to be the “best” policies for you, insist on getting a chance to inspect the available policies on your own, and see if you agree with the broker’s assessment.

Mistake #3: buying too much insurance

You know what they say about reading the fine print when it comes to making a purchase or business deal of any kind. You have to do it, if you expect to be absolutely certain you’re getting what you asked for and not a bunch of extras you’ll most likely never need.

There is such a thing as being tricked into buying too much insurance and being forced to pay for it. Check through all the services you already have, even the ones you get through your rideshare or delivery app. For example, most companies offer roadside service. You won’t want to pay extra for that service in your basic car insurance. The same goes for home insurance. Why pay for water damage to your home in a separate policy when your homeowner’s insurance already has that covered?

Mistake #4: not buying enough insurance

When insurance sales reps try to get you to buy what they’re selling, you might get saturated to the point where you start to say no to everything they offer that goes beyond the basics. Don’t let your desire to stick to the bare bones of 1099 car insurance prevent you from getting coverage that could save you from falling into a financial abyss. 

A good example of this is gap insurance on your auto policy. What happens if after even a fender bender your car gets “totaled?” There are lots of times when the insurance company determines that paying to fix the damage is costlier than replacing the vehicle. They merely pay you what you’d get if you were to sell it. That doesn’t sound so bad, but there’s something you might not be considering.

If you haven’t paid off your auto loan, there’s a possibility you will owe more money to the bank than the car is worth. If a $29,000 car gets totaled after an accident, you’re not going to get the full MSRP that you paid and/or borrowed. Your car loses value through depreciation the minute you drive it off the lot. When you rack up mileage and wear and tear as a gig driver, the value will plummet faster than you might want to believe.

If your car gets valued at $15,000 and you still owe $10,000 to the bank, and you don’t have gap insurance, you’re stuck paying the difference. Gap insurance covers the money you still owe and saves you from paying on a car that’s going to be sold for parts to the highest bidder.

Gap insurance, and other policies of this ilk, sound like something your agent or broker might be sneaking in to make you pay more. But if you find yourself in the scenario we just described, you’ll be pretty glad you have it. Learn more about delivery and rideshare insurance in this Gridwise blog post.

Mistake #5: neglecting the big picture

Insuring your vehicle and other possessions and buying coverage to pay for health care costs are smart things to do, but there’s something that could be even more important: life insurance. You are worth money to the people who depend on you and love you! They will suffer a financial as well as an emotional loss should something happen to you. It’s also worth mentioning that any debt (student loans, auto loans, etc.) are passed on to family members when you die. Life insurance can go toward covering that debt. Even if you have no dependents, what will happen upon your death? Who will cover the funeral costs and make sure your loved ones won’t be left digging deep into their own pockets?

Life insurance is something that makes a whole lot of sense. There are two types: whole life and term. Whole life is more expensive, and it’s kind of like a savings account. You contribute to the policy, and you’re covered for a given amount in the event “the worst” happens to you. At any time you can cash in the policy and get back the money you contributed, even if you’re still alive and well. (You won’t be insured anymore, however.) Term insurance is cheaper, but you or your loved ones won’t get any payments of any kind until after you’ve passed. Another thing to consider is that term policies have age limits. If your policy only pays if you die before 65, and you die at 66, your dependents won’t receive anything. Whole life covers you no matter what age you die at.  

You can talk to a broker to see which kind of life insurance makes sense for you, but by all means, this kind of coverage is something everyone needs to have. Life insurance is not a frivolous expense. Ask anyone who’s had a loved one pass away and you’ll find out. Fortunately, even as a gig worker, it’s possible to get life insurance and all kinds of other coverage at low cost! With Gridwise, you get a basic safety net of at least $5,000 in coverage at no cost to you. 

Gig driver benefits designed to fit your needs—from Gridwise

Gridwise gears its services to drivers, so it’s not surprising to find that Gridwise has ways to cover everything from health care to accidental death and disability. In partnership with Avibra, a provider of affordable, accessible, and convenient financial and wellness policies, Gridwise Dollar Benefits gives you easy, inexpensive access to insurance of all sorts. You don’t have to buy a big, expensive package of policies, either. You can customize your benefits to meet your individual needs. 

Even better, the very name Gridwise Dollar Benefits has a good reason behind it. You can get benefits for as little as $1 per week! Here is a list of the insurance services made possible through a partnership between Gridwise and Avibra at this amazingly low cost.

Signing up for Gridwise Dollar Benefits is some of the best Uber or Doordash driver advice you can get! In fact, Gridwise Dollar Benefits can actually make talking about and getting insurance interesting, and possibly, even exciting! What are you waiting for? Sign up for Gridwise Benefits now. It’s easy.

Open your Gridwise app, go to the Benefits tab, then tap the “Dollar Benefits” filter at the top. From there, you’ll get everything you need to start your coverage right away.

With Gridwise Dollar Benefits, plus all the amazing Gridwise features that make gig driving easier and more profitable, there’s every reason to make sure, if you haven’t already, to do the smart thing!

Get the coverage you need today!


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