Sweet Side Hustles: Companies That Ad Value to Your Ride

Sweet Side Hustles: Companies That “Ad” Value to Your Ride


Want to Make More Money?

Who doesn’t, right? Well as a rideshare driver, you have more opportunities than you might realize to generate income just by driving your vehicle around … because your vehicle is valuable to advertisers. 

There are several reasons why advertisers covet your vehicle, and the fact that everybody sees it tops the list. You drive through busy city streets, across bridges and through tunnels, past big events, schools, and hospitals. Plus, you take people with you, or you deliver food and other items to their doors. 

Companies would love to have the chance to get their logos, graphics, and taglines in the public eye for even half the time your ride is visible on any given day. So, these companies have come up with what they view as a win-win situation. They get exposure by using your vehicle to carry their ads, and you get a sweet deal because they’ll pay you for the privilege.

In this article, we’ve rounded up the best ad-carrying options out there for drivers. Check them out and see just how much money you can make with little effort on your part.

Inside the Car

Play Octopus

Very few things catch the eyes of riders faster than video games, except maybe the chance to win cash prizes—and Play Octopus has both. You apply to get a free tablet, your customers get their games on, and you can earn up to $100 per month. 

Play Octopus pays you to make their games (and the occasional ads appearing on the tablet screen) available to your passengers. The more you encourage your pax to play, the more Play Octopus pays you. There’s also a referral program that allows you to earn bonus cash by referring other drivers. 

On the Outside and On Top


Mobilads calls itself “America’s leading rideshare car-wrap advertiser,” and they pay generously. You can get up to $500 per month for carrying their creative cargo with a full wrap on your car, and $250 for letting them cover your doors.

The company’s clients are some of the gigantic advertisers, so there are plenty of dollars coming their way. There’s one condition for drivers, though: You must be on the road for at least 40 hours per week, so you’ll need to be a pretty big deal driver.


Sounds like ads that get wrapped around your vehicle! Wait—these are ads that get wrapped around your vehicle. Don’t worry, though, Wrapify, Inc. has figured out ways to protect the paint.

You don’t have to be a rideshare driver to sport their wraparound ads on your vehicle, but if you are, you’ll do very well. Wrapify pays by the miles you log in your car. It also monitors your location to gauge local foot traffic, adjusting payment according to how many people are likely to lay eyes on your vehicle.

You can earn up to $300 a month with Wrapify. You download the app, the company comes and puts the wrap on your car, and you’re in business. Just don’t drive it into an Uber or Lyft hub while it’s wrapped, since it could violate their policies.


This ad-wrap company offers you options that allow you to limit how much of your car you’ll devote to ad space. Your choices include covering just the back windshield, partial wrap, or full wrap. Hey, just like tattoos! The company claims to have cleared its wraps with both Uber and Lyft for compliance.

As long as your vehicle is a 2010 model or newer, and you drive 30 or more miles a day, you can benefit from Nickelytics. They’re in eight markets now, and are expanding in 2020. If you’re up for that full wrap option, you can rake in up to $300 per month.

Wrapping It Up and Topping It Off

We said at the beginning of this article that you have more opportunities to make money than you might realize—and now you do realize

We also want you to remember there’s another tool that can help you make more money, and drive to where the biggest crowds will see your flashy ads and play with your video games and rock out to your music players. And that tool is …


Our app keeps you on top of local events and weather, and also tracks your mileage, so you’ll always know if you’re cutting it with your mileage quota. What’s that? You don’t have Gridwise yet? Well you can remedy that right now by downloading the Gridwise app.


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